You can also support us by buying reCYCLO t-shirts which we sell at our workshop for a donation. We have men's and women's styles in many sizes and colors. Come and see us during our opening hours.
We estimate that it is necessary to invest an average of 80 francs per bike - for the purchase of the lock, lights and while limiting the purchase of new parts - at the time of the first repair. In the long term, rental bikes can bring in more money than they would have brought in by selling them directly... but you have to be patient!
>> Sponsor a bike by paying for its repair with 80 francs!
reCYCLO is in full development: your support is essential!
Finally, with the bikes at our disposal and customers ready to rent, all that is missing is cleaning - repairing and equipping our bikes! The faster this work is done, the faster our fixed costs will be covered. The manual work of repairing the bikes is very rewarding because you can quickly see the result and see the smile on the customer's face!
>> We are looking for a few volunteers willing to get involved in manual work on a regular basis.
>> +++ We are currently looking for a volunteer who can help us develop our bike rental management software. So, if you have any knowledge in computer science (web development, different programming languages...), don't hesitate to contact us! +++